Uses of Interface

Packages that use _DynaCollection   

Uses of _DynaCollection in

Subinterfaces of _DynaCollection in
 interface Fields
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Groups
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Indexes
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface IndexFields
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Properties
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface QueryDefs
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Relations
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface TableDefs
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Users
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Workspaces
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface

Classes in that implement _DynaCollection
static class _DynaCollection.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Fields.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Groups.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Indexes.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class IndexFields.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Properties.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class QueryDefs.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Relations.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class TableDefs.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Users.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Workspaces.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.

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