Uses of Class

Packages that use IDispatch.Disp   
com.moesol.tests.com_server Java bindings for ComServer.idl. 

Uses of IDispatch.Disp in

Subclasses of IDispatch.Disp in
static class _Collection.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _DAO.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _DBEngine.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _DynaCollection.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Field.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Group.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Index.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _QueryDef.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Relation.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _TableDef.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _User.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Connection.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Connections.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Container.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Containers.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Database.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Databases.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Document.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Documents.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Error.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Errors.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Fields.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Groups.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Indexes.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class IndexFields.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Parameter.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Parameters.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Properties.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class QueryDefs.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Recordset.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Recordsets.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Relations.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class TableDefs.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Users.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Workspace.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Workspaces.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.

Uses of IDispatch.Disp in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services

Subclasses of IDispatch.Disp in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services
static class _ADO.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Command.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Connection.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Parameter.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Record.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Recordset.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class _Stream.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class ADORecordConstruction.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class ADORecordsetConstruction.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class ADOStreamConstruction.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Command15.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Command25.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Connection15.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class ConnectionEvents.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Field.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Field15.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Field20.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Fields15.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Fields20.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Filter.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Filters.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class IJetEngine.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class IReplica.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Property.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Recordset15.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Recordset20.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class Recordset21.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class RecordsetEvents.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.

Uses of IDispatch.Disp in com.moesol.tests.com_server

Subclasses of IDispatch.Disp in com.moesol.tests.com_server
static class _DispOnly.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class DispWithProperties.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class DTestServerEvents.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class IDispOnly.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class IDual.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class IDual2.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.
static class IExtraDual.Disp
          Implementation, COM to Java.

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