Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDispatch   
com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.component_services Java bindings for Microsoft PlatformSDK Component Services. 
com.moesol.tests.com_server Java bindings for ComServer.idl. 

Uses of IDispatch in

Subinterfaces of IDispatch in
 interface _Collection
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _DAO
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _DBEngine
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _DynaCollection
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Field
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Group
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Index
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _QueryDef
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Relation
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _TableDef
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _User
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Connection
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Connections
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Container
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Containers
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Database
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Databases
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Document
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Documents
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Error
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Errors
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Fields
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Groups
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Indexes
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface IndexFields
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Parameter
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Parameters
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Properties
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface QueryDefs
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordset
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordsets
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Relations
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface TableDefs
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Users
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Workspace
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Workspaces
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface

Classes in that implement IDispatch
static class _Collection.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _DAO.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _DBEngine.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _DynaCollection.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Field.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Group.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Index.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _QueryDef.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Relation.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _TableDef.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _User.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Connection.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Connections.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Container.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Containers.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Database.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Databases.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class DBEngine
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), appobject, creatable, licensed, predefined ]

coclass DBEngine {
    [default] dispatch _DBEngine

static class DBEngine.Jni
static class Document.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Documents.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Error.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Errors.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Field
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Field {
    [default] dispatch _Field

static class Field.Jni
static class Fields.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Group
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Group {
    [default] dispatch _Group

static class Group.Jni
static class Groups.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Index
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Index {
    [default] dispatch _Index

static class Index.Jni
static class Indexes.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class IndexFields.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Parameter.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Parameters.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class PrivDBEngine
          IDL: [ helpstring("DAO 3.0 DBEngine (private)"), creatable, licensed, hidden ]

coclass PrivDBEngine {
    [default] dispatch _DBEngine

static class PrivDBEngine.Jni
static class Properties.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Property.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class QueryDef
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass QueryDef {
    [default] dispatch _QueryDef

static class QueryDef.Jni
static class QueryDefs.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Recordset.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Recordsets.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Relation
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Relation {
    [default] dispatch _Relation

static class Relation.Jni
static class Relations.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class TableDef
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass TableDef {
    [default] dispatch _TableDef

static class TableDef.Jni
static class TableDefs.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class User
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass User {
    [default] dispatch _User

static class User.Jni
static class Users.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Workspace.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Workspaces.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.

Methods in with parameters of type IDispatch
 void _DynaCollection.Append(IDispatch Object)
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 void _DynaCollection.Jni.Append(IDispatch p0)

Uses of IDispatch in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.component_services

Classes in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.component_services that implement IDispatch
 class ComDelegatingSink
          Delegate native IDispatch::Invoke calls to a pure java implementation of a dispatch based event sink.
 class ComDispatchSink
          Provides a simple implementation of IDispatch that can be used to send all IDispatch::Invoke calls to a subclass implementation of Invoke.
static class IDispatch.Jni
          Java to COM implementation.

Methods in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.component_services with parameters of type IDispatch
static void COM.Invoke(IDispatch callee, int dispIdMember, GUID riid, int lcid, short wFlags, Object[] dispParams, Object[] varResult)
static Object VARIANT.wrapDISPATCH(IDispatch disp)
          Wrap disp in a VARIANT if it is null, otherwise just return disp.
static void COM.wrapJavaWithNativeDispatch(IDispatch java_sink, Object[] out_iface)
          The method should probably have default access instead of public.

Uses of IDispatch in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services

Subinterfaces of IDispatch in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services
 interface _ADO
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Command
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Connection
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Parameter
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Record
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Recordset
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Stream
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface ADORecordConstruction
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), restricted, dispatchable ] interface
 interface ADORecordsetConstruction
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), restricted, dispatchable ] interface
 interface ADOStreamConstruction
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), restricted, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Command15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Command25
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Connection15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface ConnectionEvents
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dispatchable ] interface
 interface Field
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Field15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Field20
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Fields15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Fields20
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Filter
          IDL: [ helpstring("Filter Interface"), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Filters
          IDL: [ helpstring("Filters Interface"), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface IJetEngine
          IDL: [ helpstring("IJetEngine Interface"), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface IReplica
          IDL: [ helpstring("IReplica Interface"), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Property
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordset15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordset20
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordset21
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface RecordsetEvents
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dispatchable ] interface

Classes in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services that implement IDispatch
static class _ADO.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Command.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Connection.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Parameter.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Record.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Recordset.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Stream.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class ADORecordConstruction.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class ADORecordsetConstruction.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class ADOStreamConstruction.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Command
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Command {
    [default] dispatch _Command

static class Command.Jni
static class Command15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Command25.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Connection
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Connection {
    [default] dispatch _Connection
    [default, source] dispatch ConnectionEvents

static class Connection15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class ConnectionEvents.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Field15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Field20.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Fields15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Fields20.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Filter.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Filters.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class IJetEngine.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class IReplica.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class JetEngine
          IDL: [ helpstring("JRO JetEngine Class"), creatable ]

coclass JetEngine {
    [default] dispatch IJetEngine

static class JetEngine.Jni
 class Parameter
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Parameter {
    [default] dispatch _Parameter

 class Record
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Record {
    [default] dispatch _Record

static class Record.Jni
 class Recordset
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Recordset {
    [default] dispatch _Recordset
    [default, source] dispatch RecordsetEvents

static class Recordset15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Recordset20.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Recordset21.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class RecordsetEvents.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Replica
          IDL: [ helpstring("JRO Replica Class"), creatable ]

coclass Replica {
    [default] dispatch IReplica

static class Replica.Jni
 class Stream
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Stream {
    [default] dispatch _Stream

static class Stream.Jni

Methods in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services that return IDispatch
 IDispatch Recordset20.getActiveCommand()
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 IDispatch Recordset20.Jni.getActiveCommand()
 IDispatch IReplica.getActiveConnection()
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 IDispatch IReplica.Jni.getActiveConnection()

Methods in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services with parameters of type IDispatch
 void _DynaCollection.Append(IDispatch Object)
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 void _DynaCollection.Jni.Append(IDispatch p0)
 void IReplica.setrefActiveConnection(IDispatch ppconn)
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 void IReplica.Jni.setrefActiveConnection(IDispatch p0)
 void Recordset15.setrefActiveConnection(IDispatch pvar)
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 void Recordset15.Jni.setrefActiveConnection(IDispatch p0)
 void Recordset15.setrefSource(IDispatch pvSource)
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 void Recordset15.Jni.setrefSource(IDispatch p0)
 void _Record.setrefSource(IDispatch pvar)
          IDL: [ helpstring("") ]
 void _Record.Jni.setrefSource(IDispatch p0)

Uses of IDispatch in com.moesol.tests.com_server

Subinterfaces of IDispatch in com.moesol.tests.com_server
 interface _DispOnly
          IDL: [ helpstring("DispOnly Interface"), dispatchable ] interface
 interface DispWithProperties
          IDL: [ helpstring("DispWithProperties"), dispatchable ] interface
 interface DTestServerEvents
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dispatchable ] interface
 interface IDispOnly
          IDL: [ helpstring("IDispOnly Interface"), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface IDual
          IDL: [ helpstring("IDual Interface"), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface IDual2
          IDL: [ helpstring("IDual2 Interface"), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface IExtraDual
          IDL: [ helpstring("IDual Interface"), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface

Classes in com.moesol.tests.com_server that implement IDispatch
static class _DispOnly.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class DispOnly
          IDL: [ helpstring("DispOnly Class"), creatable ]

coclass DispOnly {
    [default] dispatch _DispOnly
    dispatch IDispOnly

static class DispOnly.Jni
static class DispWithProperties.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class DTestServerEvents.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Dual
          IDL: [ helpstring("Dual Class"), creatable ]

coclass Dual {
    [default] dispatch IDual
    dispatch IExtraDual
    dispatch IDual2
    [default, source] dispatch DTestServerEvents

static class Dual.Jni
static class IDispOnly.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class IDual.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class IDual2.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class IExtraDual.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.

Methods in com.moesol.tests.com_server that return IDispatch
 IDispatch IDual.getPropIDispatch()
          IDL: [ helpstring("property PropIDispatch") ]
 IDispatch IDual.Jni.getPropIDispatch()

Methods in com.moesol.tests.com_server with parameters of type IDispatch
 void IDual.IDispatchAsOut(IDispatch[] pVal)
          IDL: [ helpstring("method IDispatchAsOut") ]
 void IDual.Jni.IDispatchAsOut(IDispatch[] p0)
 void IDual.setrefPropIDispatch(IDispatch pVal)
          IDL: [ helpstring("property PropIDispatch") ]
 void IDual.Jni.setrefPropIDispatch(IDispatch p0)

Uses of IDispatch in com.moesol.tests.disp.com_server

Methods in com.moesol.tests.disp.com_server that return IDispatch
 IDispatch IDual.getPropIDispatch()
          IDL: [ helpstring("property PropIDispatch") ]
 IDispatch IDual.Jni.getPropIDispatch()

Methods in com.moesol.tests.disp.com_server with parameters of type IDispatch
 void IDual.IDispatchAsOut(IDispatch[] pVal)
          IDL: [ helpstring("method IDispatchAsOut") ]
 void IDual.Jni.IDispatchAsOut(IDispatch[] p0)
 void IDual.setrefPropIDispatch(IDispatch pVal)
          IDL: [ helpstring("property PropIDispatch") ]
 void IDual.Jni.setrefPropIDispatch(IDispatch p0)

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