Uses of Interface

Packages that use _ADO

Uses of _ADO in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services

Subinterfaces of _ADO in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services
 interface _Command
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Connection
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Parameter
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Record
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface _Recordset
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Command15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Command25
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Connection15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Field
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Field15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Field20
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordset15
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordset20
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface
 interface Recordset21
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), hidden, dual, nonextensible, oleautomation, dispatchable ] interface

Classes in com.moesol.bindings.platform_sdk.data_services that implement _ADO
static class _ADO.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Command.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Connection.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Parameter.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Record.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class _Recordset.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Command
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Command {
    [default] dispatch _Command

static class Command.Jni
static class Command15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Command25.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Connection
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Connection {
    [default] dispatch _Connection
    [default, source] dispatch ConnectionEvents

static class Connection.Jni
static class Connection15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Field.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Field15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Field20.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
 class Parameter
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Parameter {
    [default] dispatch _Parameter

static class Parameter.Jni
 class Record
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Record {
    [default] dispatch _Record

static class Record.Jni
 class Recordset
          IDL: [ helpstring(""), creatable, licensed ]

coclass Recordset {
    [default] dispatch _Recordset
    [default, source] dispatch RecordsetEvents

static class Recordset.Jni
static class Recordset15.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Recordset20.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.
static class Recordset21.Jni
          Implementation, Java to COM.

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